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Help Us To Save The World, One Pool At A Time

Did you know that the California Urban Water Conservation Council referred to filter backwashing as: “one of the largest single uses of water by pools”?

Backwashing is a technique of Pool Water Filtration Service, so that the filter media can be reused. As the name suggests, backwashing involves reversing the flow of water through your filter media, be it AFM, sand, glass pearls or diatomaceous earth (DE). This dislodges dirt and debris that may have become trapped, and flushes it out through your multiport valve to waste.

A study was prepared In 2010, for the California Urban Water Conservation Council looking at the number of ways that water is lost from pools, including evaporation, leaks, splash-out and equipment operation.

Unfortunately, billions and billions of gallons of saltwater and freshwater are backwashed out of sand filtered swimming pools into sensitive farmland groundwater aquifers, waterways and oceans every year. That water is loaded with chemicals, salt and metals, which are extremely harmful to plant and animal life.

After reading this information you may be wondering, “How can I make a difference?” Whether you are a homeowner looking to make a difference with your pool or a pool professional interested in making a difference for your client’s pools, The BeST Clear System is guaranteed to get the job done, one pool at a time.

WATCH the animated video below for a demonstration of how The BeST Clear System, a futuristic Swimming Pool Water Recycling System, can automatically recycle pool water and help save 1000’s of gallons of water & keeps pool filters effortlessly clean. Saving water and a cleaner pool with minimal effort? Say less…

Ready to purchase? Interested in offering to your Clients? Additional questions?

You can easily reach out to us by contacting us through our contact details below:

(209) 629-8485

16321 S. AUSTIN RD. MANTECA, CA, 95336


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