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Instructions for use of the BeST Clear System POD.

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New Tank

Prior To Backwash Method Of Filter:

Recommended use of Best Clear System POD

Remove the lid and physically look inside the POD to evaluate the condition of the water *(after 24hrs since last service minimum). When water condition is verified to be clear, open the ReUse/Recycle valve (C) on the side of the POD while the pump is running. Allow the water to drain to the interior of the upper outlet (you will hear it drawing air). Then close the ReUse/Recycle valve (C) leaving approximately (5) gallons of water and captured sediment in the bottom of the POD.
* If the accumulation of sediment is minimal proceed to Backwash.

Manual Backwash

Remove the lid on Best clear POD to verify cleared water has been sent back to the pool (watershed) ,or allowed to drain from lower hose connection (D)  onto lawn or into flower beds. Draining from lower hose connection (D) into sewer is also an option after verification that chlorine level has dissipated. After verifying the POD has been emptied, then verify ball valve (A) to the POD is open and bypass ball valve (B) is closed. Once the valves are in the correct position verify the accumulation of sediment is minimal and proceed to backwash method. 

Filter has not been serviced recently

Prior to starting the  backwash cycle when bypassing the POD, close the ball valve (A) to the POD and open the bypass ball valve (B) to discharge out bypassing the POD. Attach a backwash hose or plumb a 1.5 dia P.V.C. pipe to the discharge outlet on the opposite side from where the backwash enters the POD. Send the water when bypassing the POD to an area on your property that will contain a significant amount of water without leaving your property.

*Caution! If you discharge the water to your sewer cleanout, the velocity of the water may cause the water to back up into your residence – proceed to Backwash method.

This is to address any concerns regarding treatment of water held in the POD.

Although the water that is pulled directly from the swimming pool and deposited into the POD is chemically treated, the POD itself is of a material that does not expose the stored water in the POD to UV light, under extreme circumstances it is possible that algae could become present in the POD (low chemical levels, extreme temperatures, extended time between cycles). 

This can be mitigated in different ways:

  • The POD can be cycled more often, refilling with treated water from the pool. 

  • A small floating chlorinator can be placed into the POD allowing the water to be treated with chlorine while it awaits its next cycle. (recommended in extreme high temperatures)

  • Completely drain the POD and clean/vac out the sediment, placing it in a proper container to be sent to landfill – proceed to Backwash


We would like to reiterate that the “BeST Clear POD” is made of non-translucent UV blocking, food grade material. It is a Three step process – method for clearing – Backwash passes through mesh bag & sedimentation, then re-filtration prior to ReUse in the pool. If water in POD appears to not be desirable, dispose of properly as recommended.


*Proper pool water treatment is required before backwash is deposited into the POD.



We would like to reiterate that the BeST Clear System POD is made of non-translucent UV blocking, food grade material. It is a Three step process – method for clearing – Backwash passes through mesh bag & sedimentation, then re-filtration prior to ReUse in the pool. If water in POD appears to not be desirable, dispose of properly as recommended. Additional questions?

Pool Cleaning Equipment
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"The only filter to address our concerns..."

The BeST Clear System was the only filter that addressed our concerns, providing a method to keep chemicals and salt from contaminating our family farm and others.

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